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Golf Simulator Leasing

Does Your Business Need To lease Finance New or Used Golf Simulators?

Golf Simulator equipment leasing is available through select leasing companies that have a good understanding of the technology and the underlying resale market for used equipment.

Because this type of technology is rapidly changing, golf simulators can quickly become out of date and have very little resale value leaving lease financing options for used equipment only available for near new equipment and repayment terms likely of three years or less.

For newer equipment, golfing equipment financing can still be arranged for a 5 year period, but there will likely be more scrutiny paid to the business results and personal covenants or guarantees provided by the business owners.

In an effort to get more units out on the market, vendors can provide repurchasing and remarketing agreements to leasing companies in order to provide the lender with greater comfort that in the event of default that the golf simulator being financed can be liquidated for a predictable amount in a predictable time in order to get the advanced funds paid back.

Get Golf Simulator Equipment Leasing That Meets Your Business Needs

For most applications, unless the applicants and guarantors are very strong, its likely that most leasing facilities provided for golf simulator equipment are going to be capital leases where the lessee agrees at the outset of the lease that they will be purchasing the asset from the leasing company at the end of the term.

Once again, because of the risk of obsolescence, a lessor is going to be less likely to be able to provide an operating lease where the lessee has the option of returning the golf simulator to the leasing company at the end of the lease without any further obligation.

If you have a acquisition lined up and want to discuss your available golf simulator financing options, I suggest that you give us a call so we can review your requirements and provide relevant equipment leasing options for your consideration.

And if you’re just starting the process, you may want to consider applying for a pre approval to get the financing aspect out of the way quickly, allowing you to focus in on acquiring the assets knowing what you have to work with and the related repayment terms.

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Click Here To Speak To an Equipment Leasing Specialist For All Your Golf Simulator Equipment Leasing Needs.

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