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Salon Equipment Leasing

“Salon Equipment Leasing Is Available On A Wide Range Of Salon Assets”

Regardless of the type of health and beauty salon you own or operate, there are likely going to be sale equipment leasing solutions available to you.

Our network of equipment leasing companies cover a wide range of salon assets and financial and credit profiles, potentially providing a number of different financing options for any given scenario.

And with some salon equipment carrying high price tags, equipment leasing is an excellent way to reduce the amount of cash outlay you require to get a certain piece of equipment, or lot of equipment, into your salon and generating money.

For salons that are less than two years in business, there is going to be a greater reliance on the business owner’s personal net worth and credit due to the fact that these aspects in the business will still be immature and hard to make financing decisions on.

For beauty and health salons that are over two years in business with established cash flow that can be verified through accounting statements, there can be considerable borrowing power available for both new and used salon equipment.

Commercial leasing options are going to be focused in on the market value of the asset and its marketability, as well as the business owners credit and cash flow.

Even with marginal cash flow, financing can still be available at good rates and terms if the assets to be acquired are known to hold their value and have a strong resale market.

Salon Equipment Leasing Can Be Structured To Reduce The Impact On Business Cash Flow.

With salon equipment leasing, you can potentially secure close to 100% financing and in some cases in excess of 100% of the asset acquisition cost when costs like delivery, installation and training are added into the lease financing facility.

This has the direct impact of reducing the drain on your cash flow by only requiring you to put down one or two payments in advance.

Used equipment can require larger down payments, but the amount of leverage that can still be secured is considerable, allowing salons to get profit producing assets in their shops and generating a positive return.

On a monthly debt serving basis, you could look to enter into an operating lease where an end of term balloon payment of 10% or greater could be arranged to further reduce the amount of capital outlay each and every month.

On the other hand, if there is considerable cash on hand, a lease can also be structured to accelerate the write down of an asset, providing potential tax advantages as well.  We would ask you to check with your accountant to assure any potential tax saving strategies via equipment leasing make sense for your business.

For more information on salon equipment leasing options, give us a call and we’ll make sure you get all your questions answered right away.

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