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Photo Processing Equipment Leasing

Does Your Business Need to Lease New Or Used Photo Processing Equipment?

Photo processing equipment leasing is available from a number of different leasing partners that we work with.  Lease financing is available for both new and used equipment with leasing terms being stronger for new versus used equipment.

That being said, there is still a strong lease financing market for used photo processing equipment, provided the asset or assets you’re interested in are in good condition and are viewed to have a significant remaining useful life.

While new photo processing equipment can attract print equipment  financing commitments for all or most of the cost of acquisition, used photo processing assets will typically require a down payment of 10% to 25% of the purchase cost.  New equipment will also typically attract better rates and terms compared to used equipment.   This will depend on the condition of the used equipment, its age and estimated remaining useful life.

Before you even put in an offer or bid on new or used photo processing equipment, why not first apply with us for a printing equipment pre-approval in order to get the financing process out of the way,which will allow you to focus on acquiring the asset knowing in advance how much capital you have to work with and the terms and conditions related to future repayment.

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Or if you have already located photo processing assets that meet your requirements and now require financing to complete the transaction, we can get an application processed right away and get an answer back to you within a day for small ticket items and within 2 to 3 business days for most other applications.

We also work with you to try and create a lease financing program that will meet your taxation and cash flow requirements.

Regardless of where you’re at in the acquisition process for new or used photo processing equipment, give us a call so we can quickly assess your requirements and provide you with relevant lease financing options for your consideration.

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