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Pallet Lifting & Moving Equipment Leasing

Does Your Business Need To lease Finance New or Used Pallet Lifting And Moving Equipment?

Pallet moving and lifting equipment can be financed via a warehouse leasing program for both news and used equipment.

The more standardized types of pallet moving and lifting equipment, the more leasing options are going to be available to the business owner.  On the contrary, the specialized or customized the item being considered for acquisition, the greater the challenge that could exist with respect to securing financing as there may not as active a resale market for the item compared to more commodity type unit.  This effectively increases the lessor risk of loss if the asset ever needed to be resold to cover off lessee default.

For the most part, pallet lifting and moving equipment are fairly standardized items which makes equipment leasing readily available in most cases.

Because there is such a large range of pallet moving and lifting assets, different leasing companies will be more relevant for different dollar amounts.

For instance, there is a slice of the equipment leasing market that will only look at deals under $100,000 while at the other end, there are leasing companies that will not consider a deal under $500,000.

Get Pallet Moving And Lifting Leasing That Meets Your Business Needs

Because of the standardized nature of most pallet equipment, there is a strong resale market as well which lends itself to equipment leasing companies being prepared to offer equipment leasing commitments as they have a clear and well known liquidation pathway in place for the assets in the even that they need to dispose of any items that are financed after the lease has commenced.

The better the condition and newer a used asset, the more likely it will be for the business to secure a longer repayment term, supported by the lessor’s assessment of the remaining useful life for a specific piece or pieces of pallet moving and lifting equipment.

To learn more about the equipment leasing options you may have for pallet moving and lifting equipment, give us a call so we can go through your requirements with you and provide equipment leasing options for your consideration.  We’ll make sure you get all you questions answered as soon as possible.

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