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Lawn And Garden Equipment Leasing

Does Your Business Require Lease Financing For New and Used Lawn and Garden Equipment?

Lawn and garden equipment leasing can be financed through a number of leasing companies the collectively cover off all business activity types, from start up operations to established businesses with more challenging credit profiles.

While there are too many assets types in this category to list everything that can be lease financed, here is list of some of the more common types of lawn and garden equipment that fall under various equipment leasing programs.

Lawn blower, hedge trimmer, lawn spreader, grass seeders, landscaping equipment, roto tiller, mini skid steer, garden tiller, compact tractor, snow moving equipment, leaf blower, lawn tractor, chipper, compost spreader, sand spreader, riding mower, walk behind mower, snow plow, tillage equipment, gas trimmer, brush cutter, chain saw, mini truck, mulcher, stump grinder, blower, bagging machine, top dresser, zero turn mower, sod cutter, power cutter, electric trimmer, garden tractor, Lawn mower, lawn aerator, hydro mulcher, trimmer, dump cart, dump cart, shredder, edger, tiller, snow blower

While the lowest lease financing amount that a lease company will consider is $1,500, multiple items of smaller value can be combined into one or more leases. It also not uncommon that for relatively new businesses, that amounts can be broken down and placed into two or more leases of under $25,000, which is the break off point many leasing companies have for smaller businesses that are only a couple years in business.

This still allows both smaller and newer lawn and garden businesses to acquire significant amounts of leasing capital for their business by collectively leveraging similar leasing companies that work with what we refer to as small ticket items.

Get An Equipment Lease That Meets Your Needs.

For used lawn equipment and used garden equipment, commercial equipment lease financing is still available, but the rates and terms will vary with the type of asset and the view to its remaining useful life. Typically, most used equipment financing commitments fall in the 3 to 4 year range.

If you’re just starting the process of looking for land and garden equipment that you want to acquire for your business, give us a call so we can get you a pre-approval for equipment leasing. That way, you will know exactly how much money you have to work with and the related repayment requirements before you start shopping around for the best values. This tends to allow business owners to become more focused on their equipment research, and when a desired item is located, the business owner can also bid or offer more aggressively knowing that the financing is going to be readily available.

And if you have already had an equipment purchase offer or bid accepted, we can typically get financing arranged in a day or so, depending on the amount of funding you require and the relative complexity of the transaction.

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Lawn And Garden Equipment Leasing Needs.

Equipment Asset Financing