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Church Equipment Leasing

Does Your Business Need To lease Finance New or Used Church Equipment?

Church equipment leasing is a viable source of equipment financing for all different types of religious groups and non profit organizations in this user category.

Both new and used church equipment can be financed via leasing and loan facilities for a wide variety of different asset types.

While not all leasing companies will be able to provide commercial equipment leasing offers to non profit organizations, there are a number of funding sources that have a focus on these types of assets.

With used church equipment, the financing options can also be strong as the nature of use tends to have the assets kept in very good condition with the various asset types designed for a long useful life.  And because church failures are rare, there tends to be a strong resale market for these types of assets, securing the value as security.

The equipment leasing option is also a good way for a church organization to conserve on its capital to better manage cash flow through the year with lease financing programs on new equipment at or near 100% financing of the acquisition cost.

Get Church Equipment Leasing That Meets Your Business Needs

Multiple items can also be financed through a single lease or multiple leases depending on the bookkeeping and reporting requirements of the lessee organization.  For larger financing requirements, the funding may have to be split among leasing companies depending on the financial strength of the borrowing or leasing organization.

If you’re just starting the acquisition process you may want to consider applying for financing first to get a pre approval in place so you can continue on with the buying process knowing exactly what you have been approved for and the repayment terms.

Even if you’ve already purchased church equipment for cash, we can still try to finance the assets through a sale and lease back process to try and return most of the funds paid to the organization’s cash flow.

Regardless of where you are in the buying or financing process, I suggest that you give us a call so we can quickly assess your requirements, get all your questions answered as fast as possible, and provide you with relevant equipment leasing options for your consideration.

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