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Drilling Rig Leasing

Does Your Business Need to Lease New Or Drilling Rig Equipment?

Drilling Rig Equipment Leasing for new and used Drilling Rig setups can be financed through our strategic leasing sources both in Canada and the U.S.

There are many different types of drilling rigs on the market that can be leased. Larger rigging equipment will see the lending group significantly reduced because of the capital required.

Business leasing programs for used drilling rig equipment will depend on the condition of the asset, the estimated remaining useful life, and the strength of the resale market.

Drilling equipment that is owned outright can also be refinanced through a sale and lease back transaction whereby the leasing company purchases the equipment from you and provides a lease back in return.

Typically, the lease amount is capped at 50% to 60% of the forced liquidation value.  Many of the companies that provide this type of working capital financing will need solid proof that the company is in a strong position to repay the equipment lease financing according to the outlined repayment terms of an approved lease.

Get New or Used Drilling Rig Equipment Leasing That Meets Your Business Needs

For new or used drilling equipment acquisitions, one of the first steps to take is to apply for an equipment leasing pre-approval so that you can get the financing process sorted out prior to starting to shop for equipment or starting to place bids or offers.

If you have some equipment lined up and need to get equipment financing put into place quickly, give us a call and we’ll help you get a solid application together and get it in front of relevant lenders so that you’ve got some solid equipment leasing options to consider

Even if you’re recently purchases drilling equipment for cash, we can still help you get the assets financed after the fact as long as the process takes place within 6 months of the original transaction.  Once completed, you can return the cash tied up back into your cash flow for future business applications.

Regardless of the stage your at in the equipment purchasing or financing process, give us a call so we can quickly assess your requirements and provide you with equipment financing options for your consideration.

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