Category Archives for Warehouse Equipment Leasing

Pallet Lifting & Moving Equipment Leasing

Does Your Business Need To lease Finance New or Used Pallet Lifting And Moving Equipment?

Pallet moving and lifting equipment can be financed via a warehouse leasing program for both news and used equipment.

The more standardized types of pallet moving and lifting equipment, the more leasing options are going to be available to the business owner.  On the contrary, the specialized or customized the item being considered for acquisition, the greater the challenge that could exist with respect to securing financing as there may not as active a resale market for the item compared to more commodity type unit.  This effectively increases the lessor risk of loss if the asset ever needed to be resold to cover off lessee default.

For the most part, pallet lifting and moving equipment are fairly standardized items which makes equipment leasing readily available in most cases.

Because there is such a large range of pallet moving and lifting assets, different leasing companies will be more relevant for different dollar amounts.

For instance, there is a slice of the equipment leasing market that will only look at deals under $100,000 while at the other end, there are leasing companies that will not consider a deal under $500,000.

Get Pallet Moving And Lifting Leasing That Meets Your Business Needs

Because of the standardized nature of most pallet equipment, there is a strong resale market as well which lends itself to equipment leasing companies being prepared to offer equipment leasing commitments as they have a clear and well known liquidation pathway in place for the assets in the even that they need to dispose of any items that are financed after the lease has commenced.

The better the condition and newer a used asset, the more likely it will be for the business to secure a longer repayment term, supported by the lessor’s assessment of the remaining useful life for a specific piece or pieces of pallet moving and lifting equipment.

To learn more about the equipment leasing options you may have for pallet moving and lifting equipment, give us a call so we can go through your requirements with you and provide equipment leasing options for your consideration.  We’ll make sure you get all you questions answered as soon as possible.

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Conveyor Equipment Leasing

Does Your Business Need To lease Finance New or Used Conveyor Equipment?

Conveyor equipment leasing is available for most of the standardized conveyor types and designs on the market from ware house leasing companies.

As a conveyor system becomes more customized in design, it will become harder to finance unless the borrower is very strong financially as the security value of a custom unit will not be as high as a more commodity type model that is resold in the secondary or used market in larger numbers.

Used conveyors can also be lease financed through a number of companies with the rates, terms, and required deposit being dependent on the age, condition, and make of the assets.  For fairly new equipment that is in good shape, the rates and terms should be very close to new as this category of asset tends to have a very long useful life.

Get Conveyor Equipment Leasing That Meets Your Business Needs

For smaller conveyor units where the amount of financing required is less than $50,000, the credit approval process can be completed in less than a day provided that everything is order on the application.

With larger financing amounts where multiple pieces of equipment are involved, the approval process may take up to a week with funding to follow shortly after.  This is also going to be the cash with used equipment financing requests as more information tends to be reviewed in these situations.

Its also possible to have a lease approval where conveyors are being purchased from different vendors but still included on the same equipment lease facility.  This can greatly simplify the overall equipment leasing process from the buyers perspective.

With equipment lease financing there are also lease types to consider according to the cash flow and taxation requirements of the company getting the financing.

For instance an operating lease can be used to accelerate the equipment write down to save on income taxes, or be used to reduce the amount of debt service to save on cash flow.

Regardless of you requirements, the best first step is to give us a call so we can quickly assess your situation and provide relevant conveyor equipment leasing options for your immediate consideration.


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Racking Equipment Leasing

Does Your Business Need To lease Finance New or Used Racking Equipment?

Racking equipment leasing can be secured for a wide variety of racking equipment and capital amounts from warehouse equipment lease financing sources.

When we talk about racking equipment, I’m referring to any type of racking or shelving equipment that is used to hold and store product in a commercial warehouse facility.

For small amounts of racking equipment that’s under $25,000, approvals for financing can be secured in a matter of hours.  For larger capital requirements, the application process and approval process is going to be more involved due to the risk associated with larger lease amounts.

The more standardized the racking equipment being acquired, the easier financing will be to secure and the better the rates and terms are going to be as standardized equipment has a more established resale market.

Get Racking Equipment Leasing That Meets Your Business Needs

Customized racking and storage equipment can also be financed via an equipment leasing facility.  Its just that the amount of financing available versus the total cost will likely be lower with the uniqueness of the racking or storage equipment.

For those those just starting the acquisition process, I suggest that you consider getting pre-qualified for lease financing for the type and amount of racking equipment you’re looking for.  This gets the financing process taken care of right away and allows you to concentrate on the buying process while knowing exactly how much money you have to work with and the terms of repayment.

If you have an accepted bid or quote and need financing right away, give us a call so that we can qualify your requirements as fast as possible, provide you with leasing financing options to consider, and help you to put together a financing application package that will increase your chances of not only getting approved, but also securing the best rates and terms available through the targeted lending source.

Depending on your taxation and cash flow goals, we can also discuss whether an operating lease or capital lease will be more appropriate for your business requirements and from there you can review our recommendations with your accountant or taxation adviser.


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Forklift Leasing

Does Your Business Need to a Lease a New or Used Forklift?

Forklift Leasing is can be secured from a number of our lease company partners for both new and used forklift equipment.

This will include both ride on and walk behind units, indoor and outdoor models, gas and electric motors.

Because forklifts tend to have a long useful life, they are a very popular asset to finance by leasing companies, so very good rates and terms are available on both new and used equipment.

The reason why forklifts are so popular with financing companies is due to the strong resale market associated with this type of asset.  If a leasing company ever needed to liquidate a forklift they came into possession with, it would be a pretty straight forward process to sell it off and the amount they would potentially receive would also be quite predictable.

This greatly reduces the lending risk and allows leasing companies to provide forklift leases at great rates.

At the same time, great rates will require strong credit.  But even if you’re credit isn’t the best, there are leasing companies that will provide equipment financing to B and C credit profiles at slightly higher rates.

Get Forklift Lease Financing That Meets Your Business Needs

If you’re in the market for a new or used forklift, but haven’t started shopping around for units and pricing, we suggest that you give us a call so we can get you set up with a pre-approved lease for the type of forklift and price range you’re looking at.

With the financing out of the way, you can negotiate hard to get the best deal knowing the cash will be available to close the transaction quickly.

If you’ve got an accepted offer or bid in hand, we can quickly apply for equipment lease financing can get an approval in place in as little as a few hours, depending on the size of the deal.

And even if you’ve already purchased a new or used forklift for cash, we can arrange a sale and lease back transaction up to 6 months after the date of purchase and return all or most of your original cash payment back into your business cash flow.

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Forklift Leasing Needs.